Verdict on judicial review of Southampton conference cancellation: The anti-Semites lose.

Cross posted from the blog ofDavid Collier

As I was there today at the High Court, I thought I’d write just a few points about today’s High Court Judicial Review hearing on the University of Southamptonconference.

  • University of Southampton were given a clean bill of health. There was no criticism whatsoever about their behaviour. They strictly followed procedure and engaged in deep discussion with all relevant stakeholders
  • There were as suspected long internal security discussions behind the scenes about the conference that raised doubts about it happening prior to our knowledge of it. These discussions predated the BOD meeting. Even when we were still being given the line it was going ahead, they were no longer sure themselves.
  • University of Southampton tried to both find an alternative venue and offered the possibility of holding the conference at the University at a later date after sufficient security arrangements…

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